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Low Impact Workouts for MS

a guide to help you walk farther with MS  //  a review of mat and seated low impact yoga  //

the benefits of Pilates for MSers  //  

the importance of walking as exercise for physical and mental health

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dave walking on a rocky beach with forea


Improving Walking Endurance with MS

Improving gait endurance in multiple sclerosis can be difficult due to the very nature of the disease. How can someone with MS improve the volume of their walking when increasing the volume simply leads to
fatigue? A leading PT expert has advice to help you walk farther.

7 min read

😊 💪 ❤️

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Pilates for MS

Pilates has the potential to help those with multiple sclerosis in many common problem areas: balance, body awareness, stress, spasticity, and strength to name just a few. As a refreshing mind/body workout, it’s a great alternative—or accompaniment—to tai chi and yoga.

14 min read

😊 📚 💪

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Walking with MS

Researchers have stacks of evidence supporting the importance of exercising when you have multiple sclerosis. But you don’t always need to crush it. Sometimes a simple stroll outdoors is the key to refreshing the mind and just getting your body moving.

5 min read

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Yoga by the Sea


Yoga for MS

Researchers have found that practicing yoga (seated or mat) can help those with multiple sclerosis in myriad ways, from improving fatigue and aiding balance to boosting flexibility and calming the brain.  ActiveMSers reviews the ancient exercise practice.

5 min read

😊 📚 💪 


  • Three minutes that will change your view of exercise and MS forever [VIDEO]

  • Finishing dead last in a 5K charity walk was an experience to behold [BLOG]

  • Furniture surfing with multiple sclerosis is an age-old sport, and not a very smart one [BLOG]

  • I had trouble walking far because of MS, but was I disabled enough to get a handicapped placard? [BLOG]

  • THE best set of exercise tips for MS on the internet [GUIDE]

  • Review the latest research on exercising with multiple sclerosis [FORUM]


  • That time I got hate mail that made fun of my inability to walk well [BLOG]

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