Overheating with MS
the best types of cooling vests for multiple sclerosis //
a complete guide to coping with summer heat //
how warm days can thwart the best of plans // taking on the ultimate hot challenge
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Choosing a Cooling Vest for MS
ActiveMSers is the internet’s leading resource for cooling vest information. This exhaustive guide details every factor you need to consider before purchasing a cooling vest for your disability. Includes links to free programs and exclusive discounts for members.
20 min read
😐 📚 ❤️

Summer Guide to Managing Heat with MS
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society released this valuable resource for staying cool during the summer heat and leaned heavily on the expertise of yours truly for advice and recommendations. They even put me on their magazine’s front cover.
misc. read times
😊 💡 📚

Managing a Heat Wave While Traveling
When a heat wave descended on our Greek adventure to see the Acropolis, the ancient citadel featuring the legendary Parthenon in Athens, it presented a challenge. But then no shade, a beating sun, and a broken elevator turned it into a true odyssey!
4 min read
😂 💡 💪
The best place to live if you have MS [BLOG]
- What happens when heat makes your eyesight blurry and you decide to go out for a bike ride [BLOG]
- Tackling the beach with MS takes a little ingenuity [BLOG]
That time I pushed my heat sensitivity to the limits in Morocco and went to a traditional hammam [BLOG]
What I urgently did when a 101-degree day threatened to ruin a romantic evening [BLOG]
Celebrating the Fourth of July - picnics all day, in the heat, in grassy fields - is a recipe for overheating [BLOG]
Spelunking in a cool cave has live-saving advantages [BLOG]