MS Relapse?! Read. This. Now.
how to handle a multiple sclerosis flare up // how maybe NOT to handle an MS relapse //
what you should definitely NOT do //
the worst possible time to get a relapse and how I handled it
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What You Absolutely Must Know About Multiple Sclerosis Relapses
When a multiple sclerosis relapse strikes, it strikes without warning. And it is always a shocker. But while it may seem like your world (and body) is collapsing, there's something you need to remember. And I’m
not about to spoil the fun, so you best watch.
3:09 min
😂 📚 ❤️

Crying in the Face of an MS Relapse
Two and half years from my first attack, suddenly going from the couch to the fridge to get a beer was an ordeal. As the wave of new symptoms slowly rolled in, each swell eroded my confidence. I wasn’t prepared mentally for a relapse. I guess who really is?
3 min read
Days into a dream Italian vacation, an MS relapse threatened to ruin everything, but instead allowed us to seize the day with abandon [FEATURE]