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Lifetime Experiences

you bet you can still have epic experiences of a lifetime with a chronic disease  //
an unbelievable brush in Machu Picchu  //  a Yellowstone stunner  //

avoiding a Greek tragedy

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Dave in Yellowstone NP at Steamboat Geys


Epic Yellowstone

So there I was, on the toilet, in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, when I had a life-altering experience that would bring me to near tears. And it happened only because I have this damn disease. As much as MS can take away things, it can give you some things back.

8:37 min

😮 💪 ❤️

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Epic Machu Picchu

Rain, slippery steps, steep precipices, and no bathrooms for 5 hours. What could possibly go wrong during our adventure to Machu Picchu? Well, other than basically everything due to my multiple sclerosis? Sometimes the MS gods are merciful.

4 min read

😂 💪 ❤️

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Epic Greek Parthenon

If you find yourself in Athens, it is pretty much a requirement to go to the not-disabled-friendly Acropolis. But when you have a disease that challenges you, often you have no choice but to meet those
challenges with tenacious stubbornness.

4 min read

😂 💪 ❤️


  • Hiking on a cliff face in Bhutan led to an epic life or death decision [BLOG]

  • Bathing shouldn’t be an adventure, but this hammam experience in the Moroccan desert was decidedly epic

  • Snowboarding with a bloody disease is hard enough, but doing so on the other side of the earth in New Zealand was epic [BLOG]


  • Before the Yellowstone craziness, I was nearly eaten by a bear in the Grand Tetons [BLOG]

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