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asking for help in the kitchen  //  shopping when you have a disability  //

kids and wheelchairs  //  hosting dinner parties  //

accidents and falls at home  //  easy cooking recipes

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Begrudgingly Sharing My Kitchen

As my multiple sclerosis progressed, I had to start sharing the kitchen and chef duties. Our disease often requires inconvenient—and unwanted—changes, and it is how we cope with these new realities that shape the future richness in our lives.

4 min read

😂 💪 ❤️

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Falling Out Of Bed, Literally

As everyone with this disease knows, despite our most determined efforts, some setbacks are unavoidable (like hurting yourself when you are sound asleep!). We dust ourselves off and keep living. And yes, we’ll fall again. And we’ll dust ourselves off again.

3 min read


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Shopping for Clothes

Shopping from home is the new normal for many people. Thank goodness. For me, having a disability has turned shopping from a necessary chore to an ungodly nightmare. Finally, a disgusting pair of underwear forced me into action.

3 min read


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Cooking with MS

I’ve long preached the importance of pursuing your active passions with multiple sclerosis. One of my personal passions is cooking and I thought dinner parties were a thing of the past. Wrong. But it took some serious and smart planning.

3 min read

😊 💡

dave in a wheelchair with niece on his l


Kids and Wheelchairs

For a couple years, my wheelchair was terrifying. Not to me, mind you. But to my niece Lindsey, who is approaching four, my wheels were a cross between Alien, Pennywise, and that horror movie doll Chucky. And then she had an epiphany.

3 min read

😂 ❤️ 

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Easy Chicken Recipes

When you have a disability, easy and quick dinners take on a higher priority. And one of the easiest tricks of the trade is to grab a roast chicken and turn it into virtually anything… uh, except something vegetarian. Here are some yummy recipes!

5 min read

😋 💡


  • Normal household duties change when a disability prevents you from doing your assigned job—like killing spiders [BLOG]


  • When you have to go grocery shopping, even being prepared for everything isn’t always enough [BLOG]

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